James L. Patton, Jr.

In large corporate bankruptcies, certain individuals can be thrust into court-appointed roles for which the duties are as formidable as they are wholly unfamiliar. These individuals — often fiduciaries with no prior bankruptcy experience — welcome the counsel of Jim Patton in navigating the complexities of the restructuring process and their responsibilities within it. Jim helps them make informed decisions in what are, for them, novel and legally fraught situations.

By |September 30th, 2022||

Kyler K. Burgi

Kyler Burgi is a partner at Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP. His practice focuses on bankruptcy & creditors' rights, distressed assets, complex commercial litigation, and toxic tort litigation. Mr. Burgi has a diverse bankruptcy & creditors’ rights practice that spans multiple industries, including oil & gas, mining, real estate, retail, tech, and recreation. He helps lenders, borrowers, trade creditors, mechanics’ and oil and gas lien holders, and equity holders develop and implement strategies to navigate in-court and out-of-court restructurings, bankruptcy proceedings, judicial and non-judicial foreclosures, and receivership actions. Mr. Burgi defends clients against preference and fraudulent transfer claims in courts across the country. He also represents debtors and trustees in Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 bankruptcies.

By |September 30th, 2022||

Michelle Boutin

Michelle has been practicing in Alaska since 1986 and focuses on commercial litigation, lender representation, and creditor’s rights in complex bankruptcy matters. Before entering private practice, she clerked for U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Herbert A. Ross from 1986 – 1988, and served as head of FDIC’s Alaska legal department for four years (1989 – 1993).

By |September 30th, 2022||